Legal Protection for Auction Winners of Land Rights that are the Object of Dispute in Court Cases

Bakhtiar Satria Adhitya, Jawade Hafidz


This research aims to analyze: 1) The juridical implications of the implementation of land rights auctions which are still the object of dispute in cases in court. 2) Legal protection for the winner of the auction for land rights which is the object of dispute in a case in court. The approach used in this research is a qualitative approach. This type of research is empirical research. The types and sources of data in this research are primary data obtained through interviews and secondary data obtained from literature studies. The analysis in this research is prescriptive. The results of the research are concluded: 1) Juridical implications for the implementation of land rights auctions which are still the object of dispute in cases in court can include several complex aspects, namely legal uncertainty of land rights, difficulties in obtaining absolute ownership, the possibility of financial loss, the obligation to resolve disputes, the potential for further disputes, and the impact of court decisions. The court's decision regarding the auction results will greatly influence the legal certainty of the auction winner, because the filing of a lawsuit by another party after the auction affects the validity of the ownership rights obtained. If the court provides clear certainty regarding land ownership to the auction winner, this will strengthen legal certainty. However, if there is still uncertainty or dispute regarding ownership, legal certainty may continue to be questioned. 2) Legal protection for the winner of the auction for land rights which is the object of dispute in a case in court, namely in the form of: If another party files a lawsuit against the auction object, then the court decides that the auction is legally valid, then in this case the auction winner's rights to the auction object already has permanent legal force and can no longer be contested by any party. If there is a lawsuit and then the court decides that the auction is canceled because there are elements of an unlawful act, then the legal protection that the auction winner gets is that he can claim back the purchase money for the auction object that he has paid. Preventive legal protection for auction winners is also contained in the auction minutes, which are minutes of the auction held by auction officials as authentic deeds and have perfect evidentiary power.


Auction; Protection; Winner.


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