Pencegahan Stunting dengan Pemberian Susu Kambing pada Balita di Dusun Ketawang Magelang
Stunting is a condition of failure to thrive in toddlers caused by chronic malnutrition so that children are short compared to their age. The stunting rate in Indonesia in 2022 is still above 21% and is targeted to decrease to 14% in 2024. Children with stunting have shorter bodies than normal children of their age and experience delays in thinking which can cause economic losses to the country of 2 -3 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per year. The purpose of this service is to increase parental awareness about the importance of animal protein, one of which is goat's milk to be given to toddlers in preventing and treating stunting. Goat's milk has advantages such as being easily absorbed, does not clot, and has a small risk of causing allergies in children. Goat's milk has smaller fat globules and shorter short and medium-chain fatty acids (MCT) than cow's milk and has a good metabolic ability to provide energy for the child's growth process. This service method includes giving goat milk to toddlers and providing education to parents of toddlers about balanced nutrition for toddlers. The activity was carried out in the Ketawang village, Magelang. The implementation of this activity received a good response from toddlers' parents and local health cadres. Continuous activities are needed as assistance in helping parents of toddlers to provide food that is by the needs of the growth and development of their children.
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