Legal Setting Model About Forest Destruction Prevention Based On Indigenous People Of Dalihan Na Tolu In North Sumatra

Anwar Sadat Harahap, Ahmad Laut Hasibuan


Many tribes and indigenous people exist throughout Indonesia. There are indigenous peoples who have their own traditional values in forest destruction prevention i.e indigenous people of Dalihan na Tolu with their local wisdom. The research used empirical legal research method. The approach used is anthropological approach, and sociological juridical. Long before the existence of regulation about in Indonesia, the indigenous people have had their own rules in preventing the forest destruction in North Sumatra.  The custom law of  Dalihan na Tolu has regulated about: the stages in implementing deliberation in preventing forest destruction, strategies that is implemented by the customary leader in preventing forest destruction, form of sanctions that is imposed on parties that commit forest destruction, implicit rules in indigenous people, dan the form of supervision in preventing forest destruction with the mechanism of controlling and supervisory that rest on the condition and potential of the indigenous people. Key Words: Legal Setting; Forest Destruction Prevention; Indigenous People of Dalihan na Tolu

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