Riswandi Abdi, Eko Soponyono


The increasing number of sexual violence against children has led the Joko Widodo government to issue a type of chemical castration sanction against perpetrators of sexual violence against children. However, this sanction is considered to violate human rights, especially for those who hold the thought of respecting human rights. So it is necessary to discuss the Reorientation of the Value of Pancasila Justice in the Implementation of the Criminal Sanctions for Chemical Castration Against Sexual Offenders. There is also a method used in this writing is sosological juridical. From the existing discussion, it can be concluded that the implementation of Article 81 PERPU Number 1 of 2016 has not effectively protected and been able to restore child victims of sexual violence. Then the factors that influence this are the factors of legal regulations that are still contrary to the respect for human rights as regulated in Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, then law enforcement factors that still do not pay attention to the recovery of children victims of sexual violence, a community culture that is still not able to effectively eradicate sexual violence against children because there is a culture that considers sexual violence against children as a family disgrace that no one should know.

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