Otom Mustomi, Nuraida Nuraida


The orderly implementation of land administration in the management of land rights certificates through the PTSL system, complete systematic land registration, which includes the first objective of the research is to find out and analyze what the legal bases must be when implementing land administration. To find out and analyze how the implementation of the tasks of the Land Administration. The second scope of research describes land administration in the management of land rights certificates. The third research method is using qualitative research methods that are nomative. Fourth discussion. The implementation of land administration which is carried out by the government on a daily basis carried out by the ranks of the Land Agency cannot be separated from the legal foundations that underlie it. The land administration assists the transfer of land tenure and land policy into land management, namely the spatial arrangement of the community environment. Land administration, both formal and informal, covers a wide range of systems and processes, some of which are related to land tenure, while others are more concerned with land management. In 2020, the government has targeted to certify 10 million plots of land, this number has increased compared to last year's 9 million certificates. Of course this is a breath of fresh air for those of you who want to certify this year. Through the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) program, land certificates will be distributed. Fifth Conclusion Land administration activities are formed to ensure that land administration activities run smoothly and are structured in their implementation. If there is no administrative structure in land affairs, then the division of tasks will not be carried out properly and regularly. The problems that will be faced will be increasingly complex so that little by little it is necessary to change and remove the pattern of the mechanism

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