Yimmy Kurniawan, Henny Rosita


In a speech delivered after his inauguration as President of the Republic of Indonesia 2019- 2024 term at the MPR Plenary Session of the Republic of Indonesia on October 20, 2019, President Joko Widodo alluded to the plan to implement the Omnibus Law which aims to simplify regulatory issues related to investment in Indonesia that are complicated and overlapping. . The problem in this research is how is the implementation of Omnibus Law in the Employment Copyright Act in Indonesia? The idea of the Omnibus Law immediately got a polemic in the community because in the drafting of the Employment Copyright Bill, the sociological foundation was made up and did not reflect the actual needs of the community. It can even be said that in the formation of the Employment Creation Bill it is most likely that there is a paradigm difference that is the paradigm for the sake of the people or for the sake of the country. Paradigm for the sake of the people prioritizes the things that are needed by the community while the paradigm of the government in the establishment of the Employment Copyright Bill is more to the creation of rapid economic growth. This can be seen from various government statements which state that the Employment Creation Bill is a means of simplifying and harmonizing regulations aimed at facilitating investment in Indonesia in the hope of having a positive impact on increased investment.

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