Secure Parental Attachment and Quarter Life Crisis in Emerging Adulthood
Quarter-life crisis is a psychological phenomenon that commonly takes place during the transitional period between adolescence and adulthood, also referred to as emerging adulthood. This period is characterized by feelings of being trapped, uncertainty about the future, doubt about the decisions made, and the pressure felt from various sources. It is crucial for individuals to possess the necessary coping mechanisms to overcome these crises, and family support can be a significant factor in helping them do so. This study aims to investigate the connection between parental secure attachment and quarter-life crises in individuals who are in the emerging adulthood stage. The study comprised 192 participants, all of whom met the age criteria of 18 to 29 years. The results of the study revealed that the primary hypothesis was supported, indicating a significant negative correlation between parental secure attachment and quarter-life crises. In other words, the higher the level of secure attachment that parents exhibit, the lower the level of quarter-life crises experienced by their children, and vice versa. Additionally, the minor hypothesis of the study examined the relationship between various aspects of parental attachment, specifically trust, communication, and alienation, and quarter-life crises. The findings revealed that only alienation and communication have an impact on quarter-life crises.
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