The Application of Theft Penalties in the Legal Perspective of Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam

Aji Setyo


Theft is generally a crime of taking objects or assets without permission by the suspect against the victim. In the Criminal Code (KUHP) it is regulated in the second book of Chapter XXII regarding crimes against property from articles 362 to 367 of the Criminal Code with penalties depending on the type of theft crime committed. Each country has its own rules and different ways of enforcing the crime of theft. To study this, it is necessary to conduct research on comparative legal systems. Comparison of legal systems is comparing two or more legal systems. Comparing the legal system allows us to see another perspective from the law of a country, because each country has its own norms and values. The law in Brunei Darussalam is the object of this research because it has different characteristics from the law that has developed in Indonesia. The application of theft punishment in Brunei Darussalam is closely related to Malay culture and Islamic religious culture. Therefore, the application of criminal execution for theft refers to the legal system.


Penalty; Crime; Religious.

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