The Role of Police Patrols in Crime Prevention Efforts

Irfan Alfitra Marcelino


The State of Indonesia is a State of Law where this State has components in regulating security and order in the life of society and the state. This study aims to find out how to prevent crime through police patrols in Demak Regency and to analyze the inhibiting factors of police patrols in Demak Regency. Discussion of the problems in this study to be carried out effectively, so in this study using an approach method using a qualitative approach that examines words, detailed reports from the views of respondents and conducts studies in natural situations, and uses a method specification approach that is descriptive analysis to provide an overview and describe the object of research based on data systematically. The results of this study indicate that the patrol system implemented by the Demak Police should be supported by anyone and any institution. The patrol system in reducing the level of crime has been running well in maintaining security and public order, although there are still various problems in dealing with various actions that disrupt public security. Obstacles encountered in carrying out patrols include the lack of police personnel, inadequate facilities and infrastructure, increasing crime rates, and lack of participation in the community so that it becomes an obstacle for the police in preventing crimes that occur in Demak Regency.


Crime; Inhibiting; Police.

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