The Control of Becak Transportation Modified into Motorized Pedicabs or “Bentorâ€

Sujid Riyanto


The development of pedicab transportation in Indonesia differs from one region to another. Along with technological developments, pedaled rickshaws began to be modified by using motorbikes, or what are known as motorized rickshaws, hereinafter referred to as "Bentor." In Indonesia, the collision phenomenon is a matter of concern because the collision is one of the factors causing traffic accidents, which can harm other road users and even result in death. The purpose of this research is to analyze the operational control of Bentor's transportation. The research method used is a qualitative approach. The results show that the characteristics and number of traffic accidents due to the operation of Bentor are the cause of traffic accidents by motorized pedicabs due to the absence of taillights on tricycles or vehicles that do not have three-wheeled motorcycle parts. The operational control of motorized becak transportation is carried out with pre-emptive, preventive and repressive measures.


Control; Modification; Motorized.

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