The Position of the Prosecutor's Office in the Restorative Justice Process on the Effectiveness of Indonesian Criminal Law

Rizal Edison


The purpose of this research is to determine and analyze the impact of the position of the Prosecutor's Office in implementing restorative justice on the effectiveness of Indonesian criminal law. The approach method used in this writing is normative juridical. This writing specification is analytical descriptive. The Attorney General's Office issued prosecutor's regulation number 15 of 2020 concerning stopping prosecutions based on restorative justice. Another background to this regulation is that the Prosecutor's Regulations which were stipulated on 21 July 2020 give the Public Prosecutor (JPU) the right to stop prosecuting cases against defendants in cases certain, if the parties involved have agreed to make peace. Because for society, the law is no longer useful for processing defendants. Caseloads piling up in courts, prisons becoming full. The issuance of this regulation regarding the termination of prosecution is to be implemented based on justice, public interest, proportionality, punishment as a last resort, using the principles of simplicity, speed and low costs. In the future, the prosecutor's office will also terminate the prosecution of criminal cases using the principles of restorative justice.


EffectivenessJ; ustice; Prosecutor; Restorative.


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