Daniek Martian


The aim of this research is to determine and analyze the implementation of justice-based investigations into criminal acts of theft committed by military soldiers and to determine and analyze the obstacles to carrying out investigations into criminal acts of theft committed by military soldiers and their solutions. This legal research uses an empirical legal research approach. Implementation of investigations into criminal acts of theft committed by military soldiers based on justice. The investigation process begins with a report or complaint from superiors who have the right to punish (Ankum) to the military police (POM) investigation department. After that, the report is submitted to the Military Police Service Complaints Unit (UPPPM) for signature by the reporter and UPPPM, then submitted to the Commander of the Military Police Detachment (Dandempom) to obtain disposition. Then the investigator makes a summons to the suspect and at least 2 witnesses, then the investigator makes a resume of the investigation agenda file. Obstacles in carrying out investigations into criminal acts of theft committed by military soldiers and how to solve them. Obstacles in carrying out military investigations against TNI members who commit theft are military hierarchy and culture, judicial dualism, lack of resources, political influence and institutional interests, lack of transparency. Meanwhile, solutions in dealing with these obstacles include increasing coordination between military and general justice, reforming military investigations, stricter enforcement of disciplinary rules, external supervision, increasing internal military integrity.


Investigation; Military; Theft.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/rlj.3.3.%25p


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