The Role of Criminal Law in Cyber Crime Regarding Personal Data Protection in Indonesia
Currently, cybercrime continues to increase even though several efforts have been made by the Indonesian cybercrime team to tackle it. Crime in the cyber world also does not escape the misuse of personal data, of course this is very disturbing because we don't know who the data was created for and by whom. This research aims to find out the capabilities of criminal law in Indonesia regarding cyber crimes related to the protection of personal data and what obstacles are factors in overcoming cyber crimes related to the protection of personal data. This research uses a normative juridical approach with descriptive analysis specifications. Data obtained from literature study. The data was then analyzed qualitatively. The results of this research show that 1) electronic personal data is included in protected electronic information. The ITE Law recognizes a security system that provides protection for data or information against illegal access by means of access codes or passwords as well as data interference which is also known in the ITE Law. 2) Obstacles to the protection of personal data are the lack of regulations in the ITE Law to cover the classification of protected data as a form of providing clarity on data that can be accessed
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