The Impact Transformational Leadership Through Affective Commitment with Mediasi Quality Work of Life and Spiritual Well-beingin COVID-19 era
In a situation of uncertainty due to the current COVID-19 outbreak, business actors must always be ready to face changes. Many companies experienced a very large decline in service sales, especially in the automotive world. This is a very big challenge for leaders/managers to survive during this pandemic. This study aims to examine the impact of transformational leadership (TL) on affective commitment (AC) to maintain the company's sustainability. In previous studies, AC was influenced by several variables, namely TL directly or mediated by spiritual well-being (SWB) and quality work of life (QWL). And most of the research that was done previously was still in the health and hospitality fields, there was still no research in the field of automotive services in the application of TL in supporting the increase in QWL and SWB especially during the current pandemic which had never happened in previous times. of this study is to describe and analyze the effect of increasing AC through SWB and QWL supported by TL on Nasmoco Group employees. The sample in this study were 201 after-sales employees of the Nasmoco group in Semarang, Jogja, and Solo. The data collection method is by sending digital questionnaires to several nasmoco branches and analyzed using SEM with PLS. The results showed that TL and QWL had a significant positive effect on AC, but not with SWB. This illustrates that in the current crisis, the influence of TL is very important in increasing AC. And QWL is one of the factors that can improve AC.
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