Building Performance Excellence With Green Human Resource Management
Abstract. Entering the 21st century, people began to realize that many activities that have been carried out by humans can cause environmental damage. Even with the signing of several agreements to overcome problems that cause climate change in the world, such as Kyoto 1997, Bali 2007 and Copenhagen 2009, it shows that people around the world are starting to care about environmental damage caused by human activities in meeting their needs. (Victor, 2001). This is what then slowly opened our eyes that the current condition of the earth is very concerning. It takes the participation of all elements of society, be it Industry, Government, NGOs, even Households to be able to make changes so that we can save our earth. This research is a type of explanatory research. Explanatory Research is research that explains why something happens and assesses the relationship between variables. This type of research requires a theoretical framework where a conclusion can be drawn from the data obtained so that an explanation is produced (Gratton & Jones, 2004). GHRM has an effect on improving employee performance, meaning that the implementation of policies related to GHRM has an effect on improving employee performance. GHRM has an effect on changes in employee behavior that become more environmentally friendly, meaning that the better the management of GHRM implementation has an impact on employee behavior that is increasingly concerned about their work environment. Environmentally friendly employee behavior affects improving employee performance, meaning that the more employees care about their work environment, the better the employee performance at BPS Central Java Province.
Keywords: Human Resources; Management; Performance Excellence
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