Recontruction Of Auction Execution Of Mortgage Object In Determine The Auction Price Based On Justice
This research aims to describe of the reason of problems that occur in the auction, especially in in determining prices based on limit values, and provide thoughts on the need for reconstruction in mortgage rights regulations and auction execution of mortgage rights.
This research uses the paradigm of contructivism or legal contructivism, with a type of descriptive legal research. The method used is a empirical normative research methods, by using primary and secondary data. This research uses qualitative analysis.
The results of this research are, that the reason of the determination of auction price has not been implemented based on the value of justice because there is no standard in determining criteria, method of determining auction prices, where the full authority rests with the creditor as the auctioneer, whereas the debtor does not have any role as the owner of the object, and there is no physical evidence provided to the debtor that the assessment has been done professionally. Based on this, there is a need for reconstruction of mortgage rights execution rules and auction of mortgage rights execution based on justice values.
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