The Effectiveness Of The Handling Of The Criminal Acts Of Light Tend To Be Settled Judicial Custom
There needs to be an effective way of establishing a community justice system. This is a model of the local community, its existence received formal recognition by the state. Against criminal acts regulated in the Criminal Code, the settlement is at its final point through the justice system involving investigators (babinkamtibmas), (traditional leaders), (community leaders) given the opportunity to reconcile the parties. The role of the victim or her family remains to be considered on the other side. Acts that do not have a counterpart in the Criminal Code but which are considered as despicable acts by the community can also be resolved by the community themselves through a judicial system which they form themselves. In practice, the parties are given the opportunity to choose a solution through the village or state courts. If there is no agreement, then the state court takes over the settlement of the case but if it is finished through a community court then the case is considered finished and the community court must be the first and last court because there must be an agreement in accordance with the Criminal Code Bill d) there is a settlement outside the process .
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