Pendampingan Budidaya dan Pengolahan Nutrasetikal Daun Bangun-bangun Untuk Ibu Rumah Tangga
Most of the residents of dawis Arbey RT 04 RW 04 Kelurahan Sampangan Semarang are housewives of productive age. The environment in this area is still not optimally utilized, thus encouraging the importance of establishing business groups that utilize house yards. for the cultivation of medicinal plants. One example of TOGA that is easy to plant is the leaves of bangun-bangun (Coleus amboinicus). The leaves of the wakes have the effect of facilitating breast milk by being made into ready-to-drink juice. The development of leaf juice products needs to be supported by infrastructure, organization, human resources (human resources) and marketing. This service activity aims to provide skills to residents to cultivate, process leaf-building products and market them. There are 2 methods used, namely counseling and direct practice. The extension material is the method of cultivating, processing and marketing the juice from the leaves. The second method is the practice of cultivating and making leaf juice. The result of this service activity was that 15 participants succeeded in cultivating bangun-bangun.
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