Mhd Teguh Shauhada Lubis


In Indonesia, the community’s need for processed food / packaged food products is high, it is the government’s responsibility to ensure food products are in the packaging in accordance with applicable provisions including the inclusion of the halal logo of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI). Of course this is related to the large number of Muslim occupations in Indonesia, so the Muslim community wants to look for food products that already have a halal logo from MUI that is smoked to meet halal standards in accordance with applicable legal procedures. But sometimes there are food manufacturers who include the HALAL MUI logo on their food packaging, without first going through official procedures. Of course, the information that is not actually in the food packaging is very detrimental to consumers, so that norma norma can have criminal consequences for the perpetrator. Therefore, there needs to be an assessment of criminal liability can be forced on producers who incorporate the MUI halal symbol on nourishment bundling without official strategies The reason of this consider is to discover out the lawful security for buyers for the activities of producers who fake MUI halal logos on nourishment bundling, as well as to discover out criminal risk for nourishment producers who misrepresent MUI halal logos on the bundling. The investigate conducted is regulating juridical investigate utilizing auxiliary information by preparing information from essential legitimate materials, auxiliary lawful materials and tertiary lawful materials.Based on the comes about of the consider it is known that lawful assurance for buyers for the activities of producers who adulterate mui halal logos on nourishment bundling is drained a preventive and repressive way. Preventive can be within the frame of the application of prohibitions for producers and requires producers to supply the proper data in bundling names, particularly related to the item page, whereas oppressive assurance can be within the form of the burden of emolument commitments for makers to buyers who are hurt by the consideration of fake MUI halal names within the bundling. The application of this recompense certainly does not cruel barring criminal arrangements. Besides, criminal risk for nourishment manufacturers who distort mui halal symbol on bundling can be authorized in agreement with Article 62 section (1) of Act No. 8 of 1999 within the shape of detainment with a most extreme jail term of 5 (five) a long time or a greatest fine of Rp 2,000,000,000

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