Bernat Bernat


Halal certification is an obligation (mandatory) for business actors without distinguishing between large,medium, small and micro entrepreneurs. Article 4 UUJPH states that products that enter, circulate, and tradein the territory of Indonesia must be halal certified. “Business actors are required to put a halal label on theirproducts that have been certified halal by the MUI and if they do not heed this provision, consequences willapply in the form of administrative sanctions and even criminal sanctions for violations with a maximum imprisonment of 5 years or a maximum fine of Rp. 2,000,000,000.00 (Articles 41 and 56 of the UUJPH). ManyMSMEs engaged in the food and beverage sector have experienced an increase in sales amid the pandemic.This research was conducted using normative juridical research (normative legal research method). The normative juridical research method is library law research which is carried out by examining library materialsor secondary data. Certification will be carried out in stages. At this early stage, certification is more focusedon food and beverages first. Then just penetrated into cosmetic products, drugs, and medical devices. Duringthis five-year period, BPJPH will be more persuasive in conducting outreach and coaching to business actors.Providing opportunities for business actors to take care of halal certification

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