The Role of The Land Deeds Making Office (Ppat) in The Implementation of Land Certification customised Ownership Rights

Dodi Handoko, Taufan Fajar Riyanto


This study aims to determine and analyze the Role of Land Deed Officials (PPAT) in the Implementation of Customary Land Ownership Rights Certification and to determine and analyze the Implementation of Land Deed Officials' Obligations (PPAT) in overcoming the occurrence of buying and selling of former customary land under the hand. The approach method in this study is the sociological legal approach method. The research specification used is analytical descriptive research. The type of data uses primary and secondary data. The data analysis method used is the Theory of Legal Responsibility and the Theory of Legal Certainty. The results of the research and discussion in this study are: The Role of Land Deed Officials (PPAT) in the Implementation of Customary Land Ownership Rights Certification in Batang Regency, Central Java Province is as a liaison between indigenous peoples and the state's formal land system, as well as a guard so that the land certification process runs in accordance with applicable laws, provides legal certainty, and protects the rights of indigenous peoples to their land. PPAT is responsible for verifying the status of customary land rights, ensuring that the land is not in dispute, and preparing a deed of transfer of rights if there is a transaction such as a sale, gift, or inheritance. In addition, PPAT must also coordinate with related institutions, such as the National Land Agency (BPN), to ensure that certified customary land is legally recorded in the national land system. Through this role, PPAT helps provide legal recognition and protection for customary land ownership rights in the formal legal system and the second discussion regarding the Implementation of the Obligations of Land Deed Officials (PPAT) in Overcoming the Sale and Purchase of Former Customary Land Rights Underhand in Batang Regency, Central Java Province has an obligation to ensure that every land sale and purchase transaction, including former customary land rights, is carried out through legal procedures and is not carried out underhand. The series is through the preparation of authentic deeds, carrying out Land Validity, educating the community through the Practice of Land Sale and Purchase Without a Deed and Coordinating with the National Land Agency (BPN).

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