Legal Analysis of the Validity of Letter C as Evidence of Land Ownership in Resolution of Land Disputes
This study aims to analyze the legality of Letter C as evidence of land ownership in resolving land disputes in Indonesia. Letter C, which is an administrative document used since the Dutch colonial era, is often considered as evidence of land ownership by the community, especially in rural areas. However, in the national land law system, Letter C is not recognized as valid evidence of ownership. This study aims to analyze the legal position of Letter C and identify obstacles and solutions to the use of Letter C as evidence in the process of resolving land disputes in Indonesia. The research method used is the legislative approach, namely legal research conducted by prioritizing researching library materials or also called secondary materials, in the form of normative law and how it is implemented in practice. This research is supported by data used in order to obtain materials for analysis related to the responsibility of Notaries in making foundation deeds for falsifying the identities of the parties. The theories used in this research are the theory of responsibility and the theory of legal certainty. The results of this study indicate that Letter C has a weak position as evidence of land ownership. Although it is still used by the community, especially in areas that have not been officially registered, the legal validity of land ownership can only be proven through a land certificate issued by the National Land Agency (BPN). Therefore, efforts are needed to increase public understanding of the importance of land certification and harmonization of regulations to provide legal certainty in land ownership.
Keywords: Certainty; Dispute; Legal; Regulations.
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