The Urgency of a Marriage Agreement as an Agreement For Couples Who Will Get Married
Abstract. This study discusses the urgency of a prenuptial agreement as an agreement for couples who are going to get married. The background of this study is based on the high divorce rate in Semarang, where in 2024 there were around 2230 divorce cases with the details of the most cases being continuous disputes (1771 cases), economic cases (198 cases), and leaving one party (209 cases). The type of research used is empirical law, the approach method in this research is qualitative, the data collection method is by interview and observation, with a descriptive data analysis method. The results of the study show that a marriage agreement has important urgency as: (1) a form of legal protection for married couples, (2) an instrument for regulating household finances, (3) a tool for preventing conflict, and (4) a guideline for dividing assets in the event of a divorce. The main obstacles in making a marriage agreement include: (1) family factors in the form of negative views and social stigma, (2) the cost factor of making an agreement that can be burdensome for couples with lower middleclass economies, and (3) the factor of financial inequality between couples that can cause tension in the process of making an agreement.
Keywords: Agreement; Divorce; Legal; Marriage Property.
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