Underhand Credit Transfer in Home Ownership Credit (KPR) Agreement

Nurul Aminah, Jawade Hafidz


Abstract. This study aims to analyze the legal aspects of underhanded credit transfers in Home Ownership Credit (KPR) agreements based on applicable laws and regulations and legal protection for the parties in underhanded credit transfers. The approach method in this study is the statute approach. This type of research is a normative legal research. The types and sources of data in this study are primary, secondary and tertiary data. The analysis in this study is perspective. The results of the study indicate (1) that regulations related to home ownership credit (KPR) and credit transfers in Indonesia are regulated in various regulations, including the Banking Law, Financial Services Authority (OJK) Regulations, and internal bank regulations. (2) that underhanded credit transfers do not have binding legal force because they are not in accordance with the principles of credit agreements that require creditor approval. In addition, this practice can pose legal risks for old debtors, new debtors, and the bank. Therefore, efforts are needed to strengthen regulations and socialize the public so that credit transfers can be carried out in accordance with applicable legal procedures so that legal protection for the parties can provide legal certainty.

Keywords: Credit Transfer; Credit Agreement; Legal Protection; Private Deed.

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