Legal Review of Absentee Land Ownership (Study at Kendari City Land Office)
Abstract. This study aims to determine and analyze how the regulation prohibits absentee land ownership at the Kendari City Land Office and to determine and analyze how effective the prohibition of absentee land ownership at the Kendari City Land Office is. The approach method used in this study is the Qualitative Descriptive approach. This type of research is an empirical legal research. The types and sources of data in this study are primary, secondary and tertiary data. Data analysis in this study is qualitative. The results of the study indicate (1) that the Regulation on absentee land ownership is currently ineffective and irrelevant to the current state of society, so that many regulations need to be revised or replaced. In relation to the regulation prohibiting absentee land ownership, there is no specific regulation regulating absentee land. In addition, the size of the sub-district boundary as the basis for determining absentee land needs to be reviewed. The Kendari City Land Office only contributes to the prohibition of absentee land ownership (guntai) by providing counseling to the community about the importance of effective and efficient land registration both directly to the Kendari city community and through partners, namely the Land Deed Making Officer (PPAT) as an effort to provide legal certainty for land rights holders. (2) The implementation of the prohibition on absentee land ownership at the Kendari City Land Office is not yet fully effective or has not been maximized, in several cases regarding agricultural land based on research results such as from inheritance, agricultural land that is the object of auction, falsification of documents against the buyer in an authentic deed made before a land deed official (PPAT). In providing a contribution to the prohibition of absentee land ownership (guntai) by providing education to the community about the importance of effective and efficient land registration as an effort to provide legal certainty and for land rights holders.
Keywords: Absentee Land Ownership; Prohibition; Kendari City Land Office.
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