Coordination Pattern Between The Department Of Transportation And Banjarmasin Police Traffic Unit In Overcoming Congestion

Bambang Rupaidi, Retno Galuh Trengga Utami, M. Erwin Prawira Negara


The purpose of this study is to analyze coordination pattern between the Department of Transportation and Banjarmasin Police Traffic Unit in overcoming congestion. This study applies sociological juridical approach by observing legal reality in society. The legal aspects are identified to extract findings for the benefit of this legal writing. This study found that coordination between these units has been effective since the implementation of the Area Traffic Control System (ATCS) technology. Synchronization to solve this common has been carried out through meeting or forum held between two parties. Yet, the implementation is still not optimal, because the meeting is held only once or twice, rather than regular coordination. Likewise, the cooperation between the Department of Transportation and Banjarmasin Police Traffic Unit is still not maximal in carrying out their duties to overcome congestion

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