Neutrality Of The Goverment Apparatus's Stance In Simultaneous Regional Elections On The Constituiional State Law

Rian Sacipto, Binov Handitya, Eta Yuni Lestari


The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is based on a constitutional basis (Rechstaat The Rule of Law), which is explained in Article 1 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution. As a consequence of the rule of law, all implementation of the government system including its policies already has rules that must be implemented. The manifestation of a rule of law through the implementation of a form of democracy, namely Simultaneous Regional Elections or what is known as Direct Regional Head Elections (PEMILUKADA) based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. This policy is used in the autonomous regional system, which is a region covering Provinces and Regencies / Cities to run Regional Government through a process of changing leadership using the direct general election system. The development of the revolution in the digital era makes all information and media sources on the dynamics of the implementation of Simultaneous Regional Elections, causing polemic in the community over the involvement of the Bureaucracy / State Civil Apparatus in the practice of implementing the General Elections of Regional Heads. Seeing news and rumors in digital media that can be absorbed immediately and no longer makes a secret that the bureaucracy provides support to candidates for Regional Head / Deputy Regional Head in Pemilukada is a prohibition that is contrary to Law No. 5 of 2014 concerning the State Civil Apparatus, Law No. 10 of 2016 concerning the Election of Governors, Regents and Mayors, Law No. 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections and Government Regulation No. 53 of 2010 concerning the discipline of the State Civil Apparatus to be neutral and not to be involved directly or indirectly in providing support to candidates for Regional Head / Deputy Regional Head. As a means of publishing research results in scientific papers for lecturers or it is hoped that they can be used as a source and reference material that the specific objectives of this research are to 1) analyze the principle of democratic neutrality of government officials in the implementation of the General Election of Regional Heads in Central Java; 2) realizing good and neutral government administration for government officials in the administration of democracy in accordance with the constitutional state of the Indonesian rule of law.                    The research was carried out using an empirical juridical approach, in the areas of several cities / regencies that will carry out regional elections by sampling and data collection techniques which were analyzed and then observed the problems observed and continued with direct interviews in the field. The publication of this scientific paper is a research conducted based on data collected and processed and analyzed using quantitative analysis, so that researchers know das sein and das sollen, to find out the facts and dynamics that occur in the condition of this research problem, whether it is in accordance with policy or the prevailing laws and regulations are based on the constitutional state of the Indonesian rule of law.

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