Aggressive behaviors by adolescents in Indonesia has perceived as national problem. This problem of
behavior occur among all background of teenagers, including young people who had religious
background. There are two purposes of the study: 1). To examine the difference of aggressiveness
between adolescent living in pesantren and adolescent living outside pesantren; and 2). To examine the
difference of aggressiveness among adolescents doing different frequency of religious fasting (shiyam),
especially non-obligatory (sunnah) fasting on Monday or Thursday. The population of study was 11 to 21
years old male-Moslem adolescent living in Kelurahan Bangunharjo, Semarang. Samples of study taken
with random sampling, based on data of residences in Kelurahan Bagunharjo Semarang. Two
hypotheses were proposed in this study: 1). There are different aggressiveness between adolescents
living in pesantren and ones living outside of pesantren; and 2). There are different aggressiveness
among adolescents doing different frequencies of Monday-Thursday shiyam. The first examination
employing independent sample t-test resulted in t=-4,902 which p=0,00 (p<0,01), showed that the first
hypothesis was proved: there was a very significant difference of aggressiveness between the group of
Muslim-male adolescents living in pesantren and the group of others, the first group showed lower
aggressiveness. The second examination employing one-way anova resulted in F=16,736 which p=0, 00
(p<0, 01), showed that the second hypothesis was also proved: there was a very significant difference of
aggressiveness among the groups of Muslim-male adolescents with different frequency of religious
fasting (shiyam): the more frequency of religious fasting, the lower aggressiveness was. The result of
study suggested that both religious living environment and religious fasting might give contribution to
decrease aggressiveness on adolescents.
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