The Investigation Process of Drug Criminal Actions by Police Investigators
The purpose of this study was to analyze the process of investigating narcotics crimes by investigators of the Narcotics Unit. To analyze the obstacles and solutions to the narcotics crime investigation process by the Narcotics Sat investigator. The method used by the researcher is sociological juridical approach to law and the specifications in this study are descriptive. The sources and types of data in this study are secondary data obtained from library studies. Data analyzed qualitatively. Based on the results of the study that The Narcotics Crime Investigation Process by the Narcotics Sat Investigator is to receive a report from the public of an alleged Narcotics crime then the Narcotics Sat Res makes a Police Report on the report after which an Investigation Order and Task Order are made then the Narcotics Sat Res member takes the first action at the scene then a case title is carried out to analyze the application of the article to be suspected, after that complete the administration of the investigation (making an Investigation Order). Then an examination is carried out as a suspect (the investigator makes an examination report), then detention is carried out for 20 (twenty) days. Then in the detention process, the investigator completes the case file and sends the case file which is declared complete (P-21), After that, the suspect is sent. The obstacle is that law enforcement has not been implemented systematically; Lack or lack of budget in uncovering narcotics crime cases; Difficulties in proving related to the qualifications of abusers, addicts, or victims of narcotics abuse. The solution is to take preemptive, preventive and repressive efforts.
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