The Juridical Determination of Criminal Acts of Forgiveness and Circulation of Fake Money with Implications of the Impact of Domestic Security Stability Conditions
The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the juridical determination of the crime of counterfeiting and circulation of counterfeit money with implications for the stability of domestic security. In this paper, the author uses a normative juridical method with research specifications in the form of descriptive analysis. The object to be analyzed is the legal norm. Based on the discussion, it is concluded that the legal instruments that regulate currency aspects and crimes against currency consist of 2 (two) laws, namely Act No. 23 of 1999 concerning Bank Indonesia as amended by Act Number 3 2004 and the Criminal Code (KUHP). Regulations in Act Number 23 of 1999 concerning Bank Indonesia, namely Articles 2, 3, 19 to 23, as well as 65 and 66 of the Criminal Code in Chapter X concerning counterfeiting of currency and banknotes in Articles 244 to 252 which regulate offenses against currency and criminal threats. Criminal law provisions against the crime of counterfeiting money are also regulated in Act No. 7 of 2011 concerning Currency, namely Chapter X concerning the criminal provisions, namely Article 33 paragraph (2) and Article 34-Article 37. Provisions for the crime of currency counterfeiting are regulated in in the Criminal Code, it is considered that it has not comprehensively regulated the types of acts and sanctions that are threatened. With this premise, a new legal regulation was born that discusses the Rupiah as a currency in Indonesia as a special regulation (lex specialist). The provisions for the crime of currency counterfeiting regulated in the Criminal Code are considered not to have comprehensively regulated the types of acts and sanctions that are threatened. With this premise, a new legal regulation was born that discusses the Rupiah as a currency in Indonesia as a special regulation (lex specialist). The provisions for the criminal act of counterfeiting currency as regulated in the Criminal Code are considered not to have comprehensively regulated the types of acts and sanctions that are threatened. With this premise, a new legal regulation was born that discusses the Rupiah as a currency in Indonesia as a special regulation (lex specialist).
Keywords: Determination; Money; Stability.
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