Optimizing Justice-Based Law Enforcement Against Children In Conflict With The Law

Woro Iswarini, Andri Winjaya Laksana


This research examines efforts to optimize law enforcement based on the principle of justice for children who are in conflict with the law. Children involved in the criminal justice system have special needs and rights that must be considered in order for law enforcement policies and practices to provide protection, rehabilitation and reintegration appropriate to their stage of development and well-being. This research describes the legal and social context in which children face the law and the challenges and opportunities faced by the criminal justice system in handling cases involving them. The importance of the active role of stakeholders, including government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and society in supporting and implementing law enforcement policies that focus on justice for children are also discussed in this journal. Through a comprehensive review of legal, social and psychological approaches to children in conflict with the law, this journal seeks to provide insights for policy makers, legal professionals and society as a whole to ensure protection and justice for young people involved in the system of criminal justice. Thus, this journal contributes to creating a legal system that is more inclusive, competitive, and based on human rights for children who are in conflict with the law.


Children; Confrontation; Justice; Juvenile.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/rlj.2.2.%25p


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