Abolition of the Authority to Prosecute and Criminalize Based on Justice Values
The aim of the research is to examine and analyze the abolition of the authority to prosecute and punish based on justice values. The research method used is a statutory approach (statute approach) which prioritizes legal materials in the form of statutory regulations as basic reference material in conducting research. The results of the research show that legal responsibility by the convict can occur due to 2 (two) things, namely: the convict dies or because of an expiration date which determines the authority to carry out the criminal sentence if the convict dies. Based on the adage nemo punitur pro alieno delicto, no one is punished because of another person's actions. Mutatis muntadistically the adage a quo applies when serving the death penalty. So that the authority to carry out the death sentence imposed on the perpetrator after going through the criminal justice process is declared guilty by the court is abolished. The prosecution of the defendant NM (deceased) in the criminal case was declared dropped.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/rlj.2.3.%25p
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