Implementation of Short Examination Events (APS) & Classification of Offenders in Handling Criminal Cases of Narcotics Abuse
This research aims to determine the effectiveness of the Attorney General's Circular Letter Number: B-029/A/EJP/03/2019 concerning the Handling of Narcotics Crime and Narcotics Abuse Cases with Short Examination Procedures (APS) at the Kendal District Prosecutor's Office. The next objective is to find out the Public Prosecutor's legal thinking in classifying Narcotics abusers and to know the Public Prosecutor's considerations in considering the implementation of assessment activities in order to classify Narcotics abusers. This research uses a sociological juridical approach, with descriptive analysis research methods. The data used is primary and secondary data which will be analyzed qualitatively. Research problems are analyzed using the theory of legal objectives, the theory of legal certainty. The results of the research show that the Public Prosecutor at the Kendal District Prosecutor's Office does not and/or has not implemented the Short Examination Procedure (APS) method in criminal cases of narcotics abuse in accordance with the mandate of the Attorney General as stated in the Attorney General's Circular Letter Number: B-029/A/EJP /03/2019. The reason why the Short Examination Procedure (APS) was not implemented is related to the quantity of criminal cases which can be said to be not too many being submitted to the Kendal District Prosecutor's Office, so that the Public Prosecutor has plenty of time to implement the Ordinary Examination Procedure (APB). Then the classification of narcotics abusers at the Kendal District Prosecutor's Office is only classified based on the Public Prosecutor's assessment without going through assessment activities. In efforts to eradicate Extraordinary Crime, the Public Prosecutor at the Kendal District Prosecutor's Office does not look at more humane provisions, so this is the reason why the Public Prosecutor is reluctant to carry out assessments.
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