Effectiveness of the Role of Posbakum in Implementing Legal Assistance for Criminal Cases to Underprivileged Communities
This research aims to determine the effectiveness of the role of posbakum in implementing legal assistance for criminal cases to underprivileged communities. The approach method used is the sociological juridical method. The results of the research show that the role of Posbakum in resolving criminal cases at the Pekalongan District Court is providing information, consultation or legal advice that does not reach the stage of accompanying or representing in the courtroom, making the documents needed for applicants for Posbakum services who cannot afford it and providing information on the list of legal aid organizations that can provide free legal aid (prodeo). The weaknesses of the Pekalongan District Court Posbakum are that the families of the defendants are difficult to find to ask for certificates of incapacity and the public's knowledge about legal aid facilities is still low. The effectiveness of the Posbakum at the Pekalongan District Court provides the mandate that carrying out the duties of the Posbakum at the Pekalongan District Court is sufficient to have good capacity.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/rlj.2.4.%25p
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