Criminal Liability for Malpractice in Medical Actions by Doctors Based on Justice Values
This study aims to determine and examine criminal liability for malpractice in medical actions by doctors based on the value of justice. This study uses a normative legal approach method that is descriptive analysis. The data used are secondary data obtained through literature studies, which are then analyzed qualitatively. Based on the study, it was concluded that criminal liability for malpractice in medical actions by doctors based on the value of justice, namely due to negligence that causes losses in the form of injuries to patients. As a result of the law, the doctor was sentenced to 5 months in prison. Imprisonment for doctors is considered inappropriate because it would be fairer if the sanctions were in the form of a fine and additional criminal penalties in the form of compensation to the victim or providing rehabilitation to the victim. The doctor's criminal liability is a form of protection for patients, so patients can file complaints with the panel and resolve them through deliberation or amicably. Not all medical negligence must be resolved through criminal channels, only gross negligence is recommended to be resolved criminally.
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