Analysis of Criminal Law Reforms Against Foreign Tourists by the Police of the Republic of Indonesia

Tri Retno Sari


The important role of tourism in economic development in various countries. Therefore, the role of legal protection and security of tourist attractions is very influential on the growth and development of tourism in Indonesia, especially with the natural resources that exist in this country. Legal protection and security for tourists is very important, considering that many tourists experience theft, fraud, and other criminal acts and accidents that harm them. The formulation even in this article is how the legal protection of foreign tourists in Indonesia according to the Law, as well as how the renewal of criminal law related to the protection of foreign tourists in Indonesia. Based on the results of research conducted by the author, it shows that Law Number 10/2009 concerning Tourism has regulated the rights and obligations of tourists and tourism entrepreneurs. Article 20 regulates the rights of tourists and Article 25 regarding the obligations of tourists. Law Number 10 of 2009 concerning Tourism regulates administrative sanctions for tourists and tourism entrepreneurs contained in Article 62. The government has enacted Law Number 1 of 2023 concerning the Criminal Code as a form of adjustment to legal politics, circumstances, and developments in the life of society, nations, and states that uphold human rights. This new law consists of 624 articles as a replacement for the old Criminal Code which originated from the colonial law Wetboek van Strafrecht voor Nederlands-Indie (Criminal Code for Nederland-Indie) from 1946. The reform of the Criminal Code will not negatively impact the tourism and investment sectors in Indonesia.


Renewal; Tourism; Travelers.

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