Law Enforcement Against Criminal Acts of Fraud Through a Restorative Justice Approach by the Semarang City District Attorney's Office

Liliani Diah Kalvikawati


This research aims to find out and examine law enforcement against criminal acts of fraud through a restorative justice approach by the Semarang City District Prosecutor's Office. This research uses a socio-logical juridical approach which is descriptive analysis. The data used are primary and secondary data obtained through interviews, observation, documentation and literature study, which were then analyzed qualitatively. Based on the research, it is concluded that: (1) law enforcement against criminal acts of fraud through a restorative justice approach by the Semarang City District Prosecutor's Office depends on each case submitted, because not all can use a restorative justice approach, because they still have to be guided by the regulations and conditions. The conditions contained in Article 4, Article 5 and Article 6 of Perja Number 15 of 2020, include that there has been peace between the perpetrator and the victim, the perpetrator has not previously been punished in a case that already has permanent legal force, and apart from that, he continues to monitor developments. live and exist in society; (2) obstacles in law enforcement against criminal acts of fraud through a restorative justice approach by the Semarang City District Prosecutor's Office, namely: (a) legal substance: Article 5 paragraph (2) Perja Number 15 of 2020 is not accompanied by benchmarks used by the Public Prosecutor to decide a criminal case based on "casuistic criteria or circumstances", (b) legal structure: there are still passive Public Prosecutors, and (c) legal culture: the public does not yet fully know about legal restoration, so efforts are made to overcome these obstacles. , are: (a) legal substance: benchmarks need to be outlined for casuistry cases, (b) legal structure: the Prosecutor's Office improves the quality of human resources with training to improve communication skills and knowledge for Prosecutors; and (c) outreach is needed to increase public understanding of restorative justice.


Fraud; Justice; Prosecutorial; Restorative.

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