Roles and Responsibilities of the Police in Investigating Narcotics Crimes Committed by Children
The aim of this research is to determine and analyze the role and responsibilities of the police in investigating narcotics crimes committed by children. To find out and analyze the obstacles police investigators face in handling narcotics crimes committed by children and the solutions. The method used by researchers is a normative legal approach and the specifications in this research are analytical descriptive. The source and type of data in this research is secondary data obtained from literature study. Data was analyzed qualitatively. Based on the results of the research, the role and responsibilities of the police in investigating narcotics crimes committed by children are carried out based on statutory provisions, to eradicate the disease of society, namely the problem of narcotics. The role of the police is a unit in carrying out the role of maintaining security and public order, enforcing the law, and providing responsibility for protection, guidance and service to the community in order to maintain security. Obstacles that occur due to external factors are the growing modus operandi of the perpetrators, using social media and the fear and ignorance of society. Another factor that is an obstacle is that the means and facilities for law enforcement are less supportive and complete. The absence of community involvement in eradicating drugs, the materialistic culture of certain members, and the transition to western culture which is not in harmony with national culture are these factors. The quality and quality of equipment for urine testing for children who use narcotics is inadequate. The solution is pre-emptive efforts (development), preventive efforts (prevention), repressive efforts (action), rehabilitation efforts.
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