Effectiveness of Police Record Certificate (SKCK) Services in the Fifty Cities Resort Police in the Context of Realizing Excellent Service

Sucy Zelviana


Public services in the current digitalization or millennial era are really needed by all groups, one of which is the online Police Record Certificate (SKCK) service. This research aims to find out and analyze the current SKCK services at the Limapuluh Kota Police, the obstacles and solutions in SKCK services and SKCK services at the Limapuluh Kota Police in realizing excellent service. This research uses a sociological juridical approach, the research specifications are analytical descriptive, the types of data used are primary data and secondary data. The data collection method is field study and literature study, while the data analysis method is qualitative analysis. The theories used are the theory of legal effectiveness and the theory of benefit. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the service for issuing Police Record Certificates at the Limapuluh Kota Police is currently in accordance with statutory provisions, namely in particular Perpol No. 6 of 2023 concerning SKCK. The SKCK service goes through the stages of registration, recording, identification, research, coordination, printing and finally submission of the SKCK to the applicant. Obstacles in the service of Police Record Certificates at the Limapuluh Kota Police consist of internal obstacles and external obstacles. The Police Record Certificate Service at the Limapuluh Kota Police in realizing the framework of excellent service is by optimizing service to the community by innovating through SKCK on the road, SKCK delivery, providing social media for communicating with the community, completing facilities and infrastructure to support convenience in SKCK services


Certificate; Effectiveness; Police; Service.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/rlj.3.1.301-310


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