Application of Rehabilitation Sanctions in Crimes of Narcotics Abuse

W. Yuanita Sendy


The research objectives in this study are to examine and analyze the current application of rehabilitation sanctions for narcotics addicts, to examine and analyze the weaknesses in the current application of rehabilitation sanctions for narcotics addicts, to examine and analyze the effectiveness of justice-based implementation of rehabilitation sanctions for narcotics addicts. This research uses a normative juridical approach, with qualitative descriptive research methods. The data used is primary and secondary data which will be analyzed qualitatively. Research problems are analyzed using the theory of legal effectiveness, theory of justice. The results of the research conclude that: 1) The current implementation of rehabilitation sanctions for narcotics addicts is that the provisions in Article 4 (d) of the Narcotics Law emphasize "guaranteeing efforts for Medical and Social Rehabilitation", but according to Article 54 of the Narcotics Law it stipulates that "undergoing Medical Rehabilitation and Social Rehabilitation are mandatory.” Previously, drug abusers received guarantees of rehabilitation, but when Article 127 of the Narcotics Law stated that drug abusers could be punished and lose their right to rehabilitation, unless it could be proven or proved that they were victims of narcotics, 2). Weaknesses in implementing rehabilitation sanctions for current narcotics addicts. This is in Article 127 paragraph (1) of the Narcotics Law, this article is what makes victims of narcotics users liable to prison, 3). The effectiveness of implementing rehabilitation sanctions for narcotics addicts based on justice means that the process of implementing the rehabilitation program for narcotics abusers has been going well even though it is not yet optimal.


Crime; Narcotics; Rehabilitation; Sanctions.

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