Legal Protection of Occupational Safety and Health for Health Workers

Misbakhul Umam


The aim of this research is to find out and analyze the implementation of occupational safety and health protection for health workers in RSUD according to the Employment Law, to find out and analyze the views of Islamic law on occupational safety and health for health workers in RSUD. In this research, researchers also used a qualitative research approach. This type of research is sociological juridical research. In the sociological juridical approach, law as law in action is described as an empirical social phenomenon. The data sources used for this research are Primary Data, Secondary Data, Tertiary Data. In this research, the data collection methods used by researchers are interviews, documentation. Several levels in reviewing data are Editing, Classifying, Verifying, Analyzing. The results of the research show that the Demak Precison District Hospital's efforts to provide protection and guarantee occupational safety and health are by making efforts to prevent work accidents, namely by providing work safety protective equipment in the form of masks, helmets, protective glasses, shoes, body hardness, etc. -other. This is a form of fulfillment of one of the workers' rights stated in article 87 paragraph (1) of Law Number 13 of 2013 concerning Employment. However, in practice in the field, not all workers want to wear personal protective equipment. The low awareness of workers of course causes losses to other workers in terms of work comfort and is certainly detrimental to the company because it is possible that the number of work accidents will be high if workers do not carry out their obligations by wearing personal protective equipment. Labor law divides types of industrial relations disputes into four categories, namely rights disputes, interest disputes, employment termination disputes and disputes between unions within companies. Industrial relations disputes that occur in work accidents at the Demak Regency Regional Hospital always end in deliberation and consensus because the company is very cooperative in carrying out its responsibilities towards victims of work accidents in the company.


Health; Occupational; Protection; Safety.

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