Analysis of the Application of Restorative Justice at the Investigation Stage in Resolving a Beating Case (Case Study at the Bandar Police)
This research on "Analysis of the Application of Restorative Justice at the Investigation Stage in Resolving a Beating Case (Case Study at the Bandar Police)" aims to find out and analyze the application of restorative justice at the investigation stage in resolving a beating case at the Bandar Police, the obstacles and solutions. The approach method used is sociological juridical. Data collection through interviews, literature study and documentation study. Data analysis was carried out descriptively. The research concluded that the application of restorative justice at the investigation stage in resolving the beating case at the Bandar Police was guided by the Letter of the Chief of Police No. Pol: B/3022/XII/2009/SDEOPS dated 14 December 2009 concerning Handling Cases Through Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), Perkapolri Number 7 2008 concerning Basic Guidelines for Strategy and Implementation of Community Policing in Carrying Out Police Duties, Circular Letter from the Chief of Police Number: SE / 08 / VII /2018 dated 27 July 2018 concerning the Implementation of Restorative Justice in the Settlement of Criminal Cases and Perkapolri Number 6 of 2019 concerning Criminal Investigation. The application of restorative justice in cases of beatings to obtain a fair resolution between the parties in an amicable manner which culminates in resolving the criminal case outside of court with the aim of creating a sense of justice and humanity, prioritizing the interests of the victim and the perpetrator in order to reach an agreement to jointly seek a resolution to the criminal act. and its implications by emphasizing recovery rather than retribution. Obstacles faced by Bandar Police investigators in implementing restorative justice at the investigation stage in resolving beating cases include limited personnel resources both in terms of number and quality, victims not wanting to reconcile, low public understanding of restorative justice, worsening image of the National Police in community life. The solution is to increase the professionalism and understanding of investigators about restorative justice and coordination with the Police, resolve cases through court, provide an understanding of restorative justice to the community and establish good relations with the community.
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