Effectiveness of Jointly Investigating Violent Crime Cases Based on Restorative Justice

Dwi Nurcahyono


Investigations into criminal acts of violence jointly by investigators are carried out in accordance with applicable legal procedures, namely the Criminal Procedure Code and National Police Chief Regulation No. 6 of 2019 concerning criminal investigation. Restorative justice is an alternative for resolving cases, especially resolving criminal acts of violence, jointly during the investigation process. Efforts are needed in the form of outreach to the community that restorative justice is not only intended for certain groups, but for everyone. For law enforcers in the investigation process, there is a need to increase quantity and quality, equipped with certified training and experience. The method used by the author in this thesis research is a normative legal research method using a statutory approach as the basic basis for research and analysis based on library study materials as well as literature and other scientific works. This research aims to determine the current implementation of the process of investigating criminal acts of violence together, to analyze and find weaknesses in the investigation process and solutions, as well as to determine the effectiveness in resolving cases in a restorative justice-based investigation process? The results of the research show that the investigation process begins with a report, which is then made by the investigator in registering a police report and after being completed with a task order by the leadership, the investigator is ordered to carry out an investigation into the crime report under Article 170 of the Criminal Code and identify the report by taking the first action. at the crime scene looking for information and evidence. Furthermore, after collecting existing evidence and also witnesses, the investigator can arrest someone suspected of being the perpetrator and proceed to court. In the process of investigating violence together, restorative justice can be carried out, but in the course of regulations, there are weaknesses in the restorative-based investigation process, namely the lack of police personnel and the public not knowing about the restorative justice process.


Crime; Investigation; Restorative.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/rlj.3.1.521-530


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