Effectiveness of Law Enforcement Against the Crime of Circulating Drugs That Do Not Have a Marketing Permit

Irvan Suhartika Putra


The aim of this research is to determine and analyze law enforcement regarding criminal acts of distributing drugs that do not currently have a distribution permit. To find out and analyze the weaknesses of law enforcement regarding criminal acts of distributing drugs that do not have a distribution permit. To find out and analyze the effectiveness of law enforcement against criminal acts of distributing drugs that do not have a distribution permit in the future. The method used by researchers is a normative legal approach and the specifications in this research are analytical descriptive. The source and type of data in this research is secondary data obtained from literature study. Data were analyzed qualitatively using legal certainty theory, legal system theory and legal effectiveness theory. Based on the results of the research, law enforcement regarding the criminal act of distributing drugs that do not have a current distribution permit is based on efforts made to uphold the value system that already exists in the law itself, the BBPOM, namely conducting outreach to the community and schools. schools, especially the younger generation, create KIE exhibition activities for drug awareness movements, and carry out Information Dissemination (PI) programs regarding drugs. The weakness of law enforcement regarding the criminal act of distributing drugs that do not have a distribution permit is the weakness of the monitoring system for the distribution of drugs that do not have a distribution permit. Law enforcement requires strong supervision and control of the community so that there are no drugs that do not have distribution permits intensively and periodically, thereby creating a deterrent effect. The effectiveness of law enforcement regarding the criminal act of distributing drugs that do not have a distribution permit in the future is not effective enough and is still in conflict with the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency Regulation Number 12 of 2018 concerning the Organization and Work Procedures of Technical Implementation Units within the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency . It can be seen that in the field there are still many business actors who sell syrup drugs which are prohibited by the government, because the drug and food inspection sub-division supervisory body should carry out law enforcement in the field, they must go directly to the field to inspect every business actor who sells syrup drugs in the city of Jakarta so that they can implement it. duties and responsibilities as a law enforcer.


Effectiveness; Drugs; Marketing; Permit.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/rlj.3.1.561-570


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