Optimizing the Role of the Prosecutor's Office in Settlement of Court-Decided Compensation Money
The research objective in this study is to examine and analyze the optimization of the role of the prosecutor's office in settling replacement money decided by the court based on Law Number 3 of 1971, to study and analyze the weaknesses and solutions faced in optimizing the role of the prosecutor's office in settling replacement money decided by the court based on Law Number 3 of 1971. This research uses a normative juridical approach, with quantitative descriptive research methods. The data used is primary and secondary data which will be analyzed qualitatively. Research problems are analyzed using the theory of legal objectives, the theory of legal certainty. The research results concluded that to be able to maximize its role as mentioned above, supporting factors are needed, including implementing regulations, professional human resources, operational costs and adequate facilities. Efforts to recover state financial losses resulting from Corruption Crimes have not been implemented optimally. This is due to technical, juridical and other obstacles.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/rlj.3.1.%25p
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