Effectiveness of the Implementation of Investigations into Criminal Acts of Abuse by the Police of the Republic of Indonesia

Mulvian Iskandar Siregar


Effectiveness of the implementation of investigations into criminal acts of abuse by the Police of the Republic of Indonesia. This research is limited to policy formulation regarding special minimum prison sentences in criminal laws and regulations in the Criminal Code which include patterns of length of special minimum prison sentences and the concept of the Criminal Code in the judicial process in Indonesia. Research steps include formulating problems, reviewing literature, planning research design, collecting data, analyzing data, drawing conclusions, and providing recommendations. The concepts described in this thesis include legal effectiveness theory, cultural factors, legal certainty theory, and legal certainty theory. Apart from that, the thesis also discusses the importance of patience and speaking skills in resolving conflicts, as well as the involvement of community leaders in the investigation process. It is hoped that the results of this research can provide new insights and recommendations regarding the effectiveness of law enforcement and criminal investigation in Indonesia. The National Police of the Republic of Indonesia (Polri) is regulated by Law Number 2 of 2002 which provides the main tasks of maintaining public security and order, enforcing the law, and providing protection, guidance and community service. Since the separation from the Indonesian National Army, the National Police has attempted to build a new image as a protector, protector and servant of the community. In carrying out its duties, the National Police has a Criminal Investigation function which is tasked with carrying out inquiries and investigations into criminal acts in accordance with the criminal procedural law and other statutory regulations. . This law enforcement process involves the police subsystem (as investigator), prosecutor's office (as public prosecutor), judiciary (as judge), and correctional institutions (as rehabilitation subsystem) in the Criminal Justice System. However, in practice, synergy between related institutions in the Justice System Criminal law is still not optimal. Criticism of law enforcement in Indonesia, especially at the investigation stage, shows the need for change towards a better criminal justice system. The challenges of National Police investigators are increasingly complex, requiring the ability to uncover cases without violating human rights. Apart from that, investigators are also faced with the possibility of legal action from the suspect and his family. In this context, it is important to continue to strive to improve the quality of law enforcement in order to achieve justice and security for society.


Abuse; Criminal; Implementation; Investigation.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/rlj.3.1.811-820


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