The Role of Polairud in Overcoming Crime in Indonesian Water Areas

Andre Christanto Paeh


The aim of this research is to find out and analyze the Polairud mechanism in tackling crime in Indonesian waters. In this writing the author uses a normative juridical method with research specifications in the form of descriptive analysis. Polairud's role in maintaining security and order in Indonesian territorial waters is also assisted by other officers/institutions with a combination of roles between officers/institutions. The role of Korpolairud is assisted by Dipolairud in maintaining security in Indonesian waters which is in accordance with its main duties, namely carrying out preparation, planning, organizing, implementing the involvement of Air Police functions in the deployment of Police operations both at the central and regional levels. The Ditpoludara carries out air transportation and air patrols including activities to disburse and chase perpetrators in criminal acts with high mobility as well as rescue/rescue activities in activities to protect Indonesian waters. Furthermore, the procedures for handling criminal acts at sea or waters can be carried out through the stages of ship detection, ship investigation which consists of stopping the ship and inspecting the ship.


Crime; Defense; Polairud; Waters.

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