Dispute Resolution in Heavy Equipment Rental Agreements Due to Default

Beny Samodra Triambodo


The rental agreement submitted by the renting party to the lessee is carried out for a certain time and at a certain price. The heavy equipment rental payment system is carried out by paying 100% of the rent to the lessor before the heavy equipment is used by the lessee and there is a special guarantee in the form of material guarantee and personal guarantee, then to guarantee security in heavy equipment rental a rental system is also created by conducting a survey. to the renter's house in order to provide certainty to the lessor in the event of a default by the heavy equipment renter. The responsibility of the heavy equipment renter in the event of default is as follows: In the event of a delay in returning the heavy equipment, the renter will be charged an additional fee according to the amount of time of delay. In the event of damage to heavy equipment facilities caused by negligence or deliberate action by the heavy equipment renter, the renter is responsible responsible for replacing all costs incurred for heavy equipment repairs. In the event that part of the heavy equipment equipment is lost, the renter must replace the lost equipment. In the event that the heavy equipment is transferred (rented again) then the renter must immediately return the heavy equipment in accordance with the agreement that has been made.


Agreement; Equipment; Rental.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/rlj.3.1.851-860


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