The Urgency of Electronic Evidence Validation by Judges in Digital Forensic Examinations

Gatot Sarwadi


The aim of this research is to determine and analyze the judge's methods in carrying out digital forensic examinations in analyzing electronic evidence in court. In this writing the author uses a normative juridical method with research specifications in the form of descriptive analysis. The use of computers as a medium to commit crimes has its own level of difficulty in proving it. Handling often requires forensics, which is an activity to carry out investigations and determine facts related to criminal incidents and other legal issues. Digital forensics is the application of computer science and technology for the purposes of legal evidence, which in this case is to prove high-tech crimes scientifically so that digital evidence can be obtained that can be used to ensnare the perpetrator of the crime. The material requirements for electronic evidence are regulated in Article 6, Article 15 and Article 16 of the ITE Law, which in essence, electronic information and documents must be able to guarantee their authenticity, integrity and availability. To ensure the fulfillment of the material requirements referred to in many cases, digital forensics is needed.


Electronic; Evidence; Digital; Forensics; Judge.

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