The Role of the Mobile Brigade Unit in Eradicating Terrorism Crimes

Hazim Hazim


The aim of this research is to systematically examine and analyze the active implementation of the Brimob Unit in enforcing the law on theoretical criminal acts. In this writing the author uses a normative juridical method with research specifications in the form of descriptive analysis. Terrorism has become part of extra ordinary crimes, which means a violent crime that has a special dimension or is different from other violent crimes which are often called extraordinary crimes and are even classified as crimes against humanity. The Brimob Polri Corps as an integral part of the National Police also has the main tasks and functions to implement and mobilize the strength of the Brimob Polri in dealing with high levels of security and order disturbances, especially mass riots, organized crime armed with firearms, bombs, chemical, biological and radioactive materials, which the implementation of the Brimob's duties is based on the function of the National Police Mobile Brigade as the National Police's Ultimate Unit (Striking Force). The implementation of sterilization by the Jibom Unit is a form of service to the community to anticipate bomb explosions carried out by individuals related to terrorism, so as to create conducive security and social security conditions. The Jibom Unit of the Gegana Detachment, the Brimob Unit, carried out bomb sterilization due to requests from the public.


Brimob; Eradication; Terrorism.


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